The rise of Generation 'R'

The rise of Generation 'R'
As the world anxiously waits for the lockdown to get rid of, a new generation of personnel is evolving and getting ready take on the brand new world of work.

The global workforce as we’ve known it has been made up of five various generations - each with their own working styles and preferences. However, recent worldwide lockdowns have forced they right into a new, but identical, lifestyle of remote work.

These generations, who were vastly different, are actually all facing similar professional demands and common limitations. In a matter of weeks, a large majority of personnel adapted and developed new habits, beliefs and ethics. For the very first time, different generations are beginning to think alike.

I have been talking with multiple business leaders and employees across a range of industries and regions. What I came across was, in response to the pandemic, persons are learning, unlearning and recalibrating themselves. They appear to have reset themselves according to your new circumstances and also have evolved right into a new generation. Why don't we call them Generation R.

What's Generation R?
Generation R is the band of individuals who, during the lockdown, are suffering from new skills, embraced new paradigms and re-adjusted their world view. They have abandoned their old way of thinking and have developed a fresh point of view.

This generation feels a lot more in charge, more resilient and convenient with ambiguity. They are getting ready to work harder than previously and are finding new methods to achieve productivity, balance and a feeling of purpose.

Predicated on my conversations, I really believe Generation R personnel share these four characteristics:

They are proactively preparing for a new normal of work
Gen-R workers assume that the world of work is going to change significantly when the existing challenges are solved, and they’re preparing for it now. They feel the near future workplace can be more competitive, impacting their career direction and future opportunities. But instead of just waiting for it to occur, Gen-R workers have focused on learn at least one new skill through the lockdown. They intend to have multiple resources of income and try new roles and jobs once the world returns on track.

They have found productivity in remote work settings
While many personnel prefer working in pre-defined, fixed office hours, Gen-R actually prefers the remote work options. They believe the flexible schedules and technology available allows them to become more productive when working at home.

They are prioritising a balance between personal and professional
Regardless of the lockdown blurring boundaries between home and work, Gen-R personnel have discovered to juggle both personal and professional lives successfully. With managers showing a knowledge to new schedules and offering appreciation for hard work, these employees have found new ways to achieve a work-life balance.

They have become more environmentally conscious
Interestingly, therefore of the lockdown, Gen-R perceptions around the environment and sustainability have shifted. Having realised the impact that humanity is wearing our environment, they believe they owe more to society and the surroundings than before.

So, what does this mean for organisations?
The near future workforce will be returning to a post-pandemic world with new beliefs, skillsets, aspirations and work ethics. They will have new expectations and priorities as employees, forcing organisations to adapt and evolve as a way to meet new demands. Listed below are four ways HR can inspire that:

Revisit employee mobility
When employees go back to some state of normality in the workforce, many would want to try new challenges, test out new skillsets and discover new roles. Organisations should find ways to provide these types of opportunities within the enterprise. Offering mobility to get projects for new teams and try new roles furthermore with their usual jobs provides the growth opportunities they’re looking for. It really is like opening a gig economy for existing employees so they don’t need to look outside.

Enable truly flexible work environments
For many who find increased productivity and efficiency in a remote work setting, organisations should consider supporting these working conditions with the proper technology and processes. This would mean removing functional limitations for remote staff and providing high-security platforms and cloud applications that can run full force anytime, anywhere and on any device.

Strengthen workplace culture
Employee expectations towards empathy and understanding will be permanently altered once normalcy returns. Work life and personal life have grown to be one and the same, and the value for teams being understanding and flexible for personal matters will continue. Leaders and managers will have to evolve their leadership and managerial styles accordingly. It'll be important for organisations to identify and strengthen their workplace culture by empowering and supporting their workers through whatever ‘new normal’ we find.

Provide purpose-driven opportunities
The current situation is placing a fresh sense of purpose on people’s minds. Employees will be seeking to their organisations to assume greater corporate social responsibility to aid the higher good. Companies not being responsible corporate citizens will see it increasingly difficult to attract, recruit and retain Gen-R talent. Simple things such as wellness and volunteering initiatives might help support organisations in this shift.

The way the world of work will evolve following the current crisis is unpredictable. However, some of these trends will signify the start of a fresh era. Generational dissimilarities are losing relevance and Generation R commonalities will be front and centre in the future of work.
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