Bobby yet to come back to shooting

Bobby yet to come back to shooting
The shooting of films had been stopped for approximately two and a half months because of coronavirus. After a long time following a health rules, the shooting of films is started again. Actress EaminHaque Bobby said that she actually is not yet time for shooting even though the shooting of films has started.

 In this context, Bobby said, "The lockdown has been relaxed. This does not mean that we ought to not be careful. We must be as aware as ever. Others could be able to start out working. 

But in this example it will be just a little difficult for us to visit work because there are tons of individuals in outdoor shooting. If you shoot, persons will gather. Therefore, you won't be possible to shoot in line with the health rules. I believe it could be wise to start shooting later. So, I also want to devote some time before shooting."

Bobby added, "I started focusing on the movie 'Akbar' directed by SaikatNasir. But because of coronavirus, it was extremely hard to work after shooting the songs. A fresh movie was to be were only available in Kolkata and that too has stopped. Furthermore, two of my shows in Australia have already been cancelled. Overall, work has been disrupted massively."

Her commentary on the film crisis is that our film industry has been in a recession for years. Meanwhile, the coronavirus has managed to get more complicated. Viewers won't want to visit the cinema halls very easily. Now is age internet. We need to think about alternatives to pay for the increased loss of the film. We have to move towards digital platforms, she concluded.
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