60 textile mills suffer in Gazipur

60 textile mills suffer in Gazipur
Several primary textile mills in the professional belt in Gazipur is in concern with losing export-oriented work orders and sales before Eid-ul-Fitr because of a disruption in production caused by low gas pressure.

The gas pressure at a lot more than 60 spinning, dyeing, finishing, printing and weaving mills in Madhabkhola, Sreepur, Baniachala, Bhabanipur, and Gazipur transpired to three pounds per square inch (PSI) rather than the required 15 PSI. Many of these units are engaged in creating recycleables for export-oriented garment factories and local markets.

"The affected mills have already been unable to operate completely swing for most months now. As a result, many annot execute work orders promptly," the Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA) said in a statement yesterday.
"If low gas pressure continues, paying the workers'wages will be problematic for industry owners."

In a letter on April 7, the BTMA urged state-run Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company to provide gas with sufficient pressure for some mills in Madhabkhola, Sreepur, Baniachala, Bhabanipur, and Gazipur.

However, the gas pressure in these areas has deteriorated instead of improve, the statement said. 

Production at mills and factories in the areas has declined by 75 % as a result of falling gas pressure. If the mills can't run properly, you will find a opportunity of a liquidity crisis at the factories as their business has also declined, the BTMA added.

Ali Iqbal Mohammad Nurullah, managing director of Titas Gas, cannot be reached by phone for comments.
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