'Modern education can make a difference'

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday put emphasis on modern technology-based education to build hunger- and poverty-free prosperous Bangladesh.
"We've set our goal to make the country prosperous. To make that happen, I always think it's only education that can lead the country towards prosperity," she said.
The Prime Minister said this while formally inaugurating free textbook distribution programme and receiving the results of this year's Primary Education Completion (PEC), Ebtedayee, Junior School Certificate (JSC),Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) and equivalent examinations at her official residence Ganobhaban.
Sheikh Hasina said an educated human force is needed to make the country free from poverty and hunger. "That's why we always give importance to education. This education must be modern and technology-based one," she said.
Hasina stressed building a nation which will be modern and equipped with technological knowledge. "An educated nation can take the country to its desired place."
About the PEC, Ebtedayee, JSC, JDC and equivalent examinations, the Prime Minister said she is aware about the criticisms against these exams. "I know there're some people who're talking against these examinations, some have their objections, too," she said.
Hasina said by appearing these examinations children will grow with self-confidence."These exams will help the children grow with self-confidence by removing fear about public examinations."
Having certificates after these examinations will encourage them to pay more attention to their studies, the Prime Minister said stressing the importance of strengthening training programmesfor the teachers."Training is being imparted to teachers, but this should be strengthened further...we want to move keeping pace with era."
Terming education as an asset, Hasina advised the students to develop themselves as well-educated citizens of the country.
Soon after the country's independence, she said, the Bangabandhu government had given top priority to education as well as made primary education compulsory and nationalised a large of number of primary schools.
The Prime Minister mentioned that her party has formulated the education policy in consultation with experts and holding seminars, symposiums and discussion meetings with all the stakeholders.
Besides, she said, steps have been taken to distribute free textbooks,provide the students with stipends and introduce school feeding programme. Multimedia classrooms have also been set up at their schools and colleges, Hasina added.
She the country's independence was achieved in exchange of blood of three million martyrs. "Bangabandhu liberated Bangladesh with a goal of establishing a hunger- andpoverty-free country...his dream will be materialised when we'll be able to establish Sonar Bangla."
The Prime Minister also renewed her determination to establish Bangladesh as a dignified nation at the world stage."We want to move keeping our head high, not begging."
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid and Minister for Primary and Mass Education Advocate Mostafizur Rahman also spoke on the occasion.
Nurul Islam Nahid handed over the results of JSC and JDC examinations, while Mostafizur Rahman formally handed over the PEC and Ebtedayee results to the Prime Minister.
Sheikh Hasina formally opened the free textbook distribution programme by handing over books of primary and secondary levels students.