COVID-19 cases in U.S. top 400,000: Johns Hopkins University

COVID-19 cases in U.S. top 400,000: Johns Hopkins University
The number of COVID-19 cases in the United States reached 401,166 by 12:20 local time on Wednesday (1620 GMT), according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

A complete of 12,936 deaths were reported in the country, based on the CSSE.

The state of NY recorded 140,386 cases and 5,489 fatalities. In NEW YORK alone, 76,879 cases and 4,009 deaths have already been reported, the CSSE data showed.

Other states with over 10,000 cases include NJ, Michigan, California, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida and Illinois.

Globally, over 180 nations and regions have altogether reported 1,452,378 cases and 83,615 deaths, while over 308,000 patients have recovered from the disease.
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