Robbie lights up screen found in 'Dreamland'

Robbie lights up screen found in 'Dreamland'
The fourth film produced by Margot Robbie on her behalf Lucky Chap Production company, the Aussie A-lister also stars in this drama set during the Great Depression.In 'Dreamland', Finn Cole plays Eugene, a young man coping with his family in a little rural American town. His humdrum life is switched ugly when he discovers Allison (Robbie), a bank robber away from home, hiding in his parents' barn. 

He agrees to greatly help her escape in trade for a big payoff, but before long becomes smitten with Allison, seeing her as a path to a far more exciting life.  The film offers some interesting ideas, but can never seem to be to quite thread everything alongside one another. It's refreshing to visit a story where it's a man receiving swept off his feet by a charming feminine criminal, with Allison frequently having the emotional electric power over her would-be accomplice. 

Robbie is powerful found in the business lead, morphing into whatever she should be to get a mile further away from capture. Among those personas is the young lady of Eugene's dreams, a façade he buys into happily. The enigmatic qualities of Robbie's effectiveness mean we're never quite sure if she genuinely grows to take pleasure in him along the way or, as she sets it, she'd "alternatively be scared with you than alone". Just as intriguing is the establishing of a dust bowl town. A damaged 'Dreamland' where once everyone emerged in search of fortune, but now households leave in droves having abandoned hope.

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