Nearly 300 illegitimate migrants rescued off Libyan coast: UNHCR
Almost 300 illegitimate migrants have been rescued from Libyancoast said the US High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) onThursday.
UNHCR Libya tweeted that, almost 300 folks were returnedto Tripoli by Libyan Coast Guard.
“UNHCR and IRC (International Rescue Committee) were at thedisembarkation point and provided all survivors with medical attention, water,food and humanitarian items,” it said, confirming that the rescued migrantshave been released.
Libya has become a recommended point of departure for migrantswho try to cross the MEDITERRANEAN AND BEYOND towards European shores because of theinsecurity and chaos that contain plagued Libya since the fall and death of itsformer leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.
Thousands of unlawful migrants, who were either rescued atsea or arrested by the Libyan authorities, are detained in overcrowdedreception centers in Libya, despite repeated international calls to close thosecenters.
The UNHCR has repeatedly stressed that Libya is not a safepoint of debarcation for rescued migrants.