IISc develops emotion-detection system, with applications in solving crimes

IISc develops emotion-detection system, with applications in solving crimes
The Indian Institute of Science’s Department of Computational and Info Sciences is rolling out a real-time emotion recognition system that helps computers understand and react to human emotions, a computer program that could have applications in solving crimes.

Emotion detection is a good area of the scientific discipline named Computer Perspective, which attempts to reproduce the complexity of man vision, whereby computers or robots could make inferences similar to how human do if they see images or look at videos.

The inferences made or info processed this way is then used by the system to make actionable decisions, just like a human could. As such, the emotion detection system (EDS) has applications in a variety of fields, particularly in crime detection.

The emotion recognition system is machine learning based, where datasets are fed in and the machine learns to recognise thoughts from repetitive patterns.

Giving a good example of just how CCTV footage can be utilized by personal computers in solving crime, project researcher Chaitra Jambigi stated that the EDS could pinpoint suspects of a criminal offense by analysing faces seen in the footage for seven different emotions such as for example anger, sadness, enjoyment, disgust, dread and nervousness apart from a neutral condition. Police may then takeover and investigate further to fix cases.

The EDS is even so not foolproof. “The primary challenge in computer eyesight is the semantic gap between actuality and what the computer interprets,” Jambigi said. Your time and effort can be to minimise this gap and get as accurate information as possible.
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