Foreign nationals in B'desh can extend visas by three months

Foreign nationals in B'desh can extend visas by three months
Foreign nationals with valid visas residing in Bangladesh now could have the choice of extending their existing visas by 90 days, in line with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) in Dhaka.

Meanwhile, the ministry has formally notified all diplomatic missions, offices of the UN agencies and international organisations stationed in Dhaka about the temporary travel restrictions it imposed in order to halt the spread of coronavirus in the united states.

Passengers from Europe, except the United Kingdom, will not be allowed to enter Bangladesh with effect from 12:00 hours of March 16 (Monday) until March 31.

All Bangladesh-bound flights, originating from countries which have suspended incoming flights from Bangladesh, will stay suspended, in line with the ministry.

All on-arrival visas of Bangladesh will stay suspended for 14 days for incoming passengers of most countries, it said.

Those that will be arriving in Bangladesh from other coronavirus-affected countries will be placed under self-quarantine for 14 days after their arrival.

This will continue until further notice, said the ministry.
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