Does lavender really help with anxiety?

Does lavender really help with anxiety?
Traditional folk medicine maintains that the smell of some plants can calm the nerves. Now, new research is suggesting that one fragrant compound present in lavender can lessen anxiety by stimulating the nose to pass signals to the brain.

Investigators at Kagoshima University in Japan studied the effect of linalool, a sweet-smelling alcohol that is present in essential oils of lavender and other scented plants, in mice.

They showed that exposure to linalool vapor affects the brain through smell and not by being absorbed into the bloodstream via the lungs.

Another key finding was that unlike anxiolytic, or anti-anxiety, drugs (such as benzodiazepines), linalool works without impairing movement.

The researchers suggest that their study paves the way for further investigations into how to use linalool's calming properties in humans, citing a need for "safer alternatives" to benzodiazepines and other anti-anxiety medications.

One application that they foresee is to help people about to undergo surgery to relax before receiving general anesthesia.

A paper on the study now features in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
Anxiety and linalool
Anxiety can range from short-lived worry or fear about a problem, decision, or stressful situation such as doing an exam, to a lasting, or chronic, condition that does not go away.

When anxiety is chronic, the symptoms can progressively worsen and disrupt daily life, work, relationships, and school.

There are several forms of the condition, which are collectively termed anxiety disorders. These include panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and phobia-related conditions.

Estimates for 2015 from the World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that anxiety disorders affect 3.6 percent of the global population and that this figure varies among countries. In the United States, the prevalence is around 6.3 percent.

The recent study is not the first to investigate the calming effects of linalool, notes co-author Dr. Hideki Kashiwadani, of the Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences at Kagoshima University.

"However," Dr. Kashiwadani reports, "the sites of action of linalool were usually not addressed in these studies."
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