170 doctors corona infected, who will give treatment in Bangladesh?

170 doctors corona infected, who will give treatment in Bangladesh?
Coronavirus infection has been growing among doctors, nurses and health personnel who have been providing treatment at different government and private hospitals and clinics in the country.

Based on the statistics supplied by Bangladesh Doctors' Basis, an organisation of doctors, a lot more than 170 doctors have already been infected with coronavirus in the country so far. Most of them are spending treatment at different hospitals. 

The best 25 dotors who have been infected with coronavirus are from Sir Salimullah Medical College and Hospital (Mitford Hospital) in old part of Dhaka, accompanied by nine at Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital at College Gate in the capital.

Expressing anonimity, a coronavirus infected doctor alleged that lack of PPEs is the key cause of coronavirus infection among doctors. "There is a nurse at an product of the Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital where I are an intern. She was subsequently found coronavirus infected after tests," he explained.

Mitford Hospital's medical officer Dr Syed Md Shaheen said it can not be said that those who are providing treatment today won't be affected tomorrow.

He identified the way to obtain low quality PPEs and tendency among patients to conceal information behind the spread of infection among doctors.

It might be mentioned that Dr Moin Uddin, assistant professor at Sylhet Osmani Medical Hospital, died at Kurmitola Standard Hospital in Dhaka on Wednesday last while underwent treatment there being infected with coronavirus.
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