Zinc-hydroxychloroquine found effective in a few Covid-19 patients

Zinc-hydroxychloroquine found effective in a few Covid-19 patients
The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine has demonstrated mixed results against the Covid-19 coronavirus in early studies, but a new paper out of NY suggests combining it with the dietary supplement zinc sulfate could create a far more effective treatment.

The research by the NYU Grossman School of Medicine was posted on a medical preprint site on Monday, meaning it hasn't yet been peer reviewed.

Records of about 900 Covid-19 patients were reviewed in the analysis, with roughly half given zinc sulfate along with hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin.

The other half only received hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

Those receiving the triple-drug mixture had a 1.5 times greater likelihood of recovering enough to be discharged, and were 44 % less inclined to die, compared to the double-drug combination.

It didn't, however, change the common time patients spent in hospital (six days), the time they spent on the ventilator (five days), or the quantity of oxygen required.

Senior investigator and infectious disease specialist Joseph Rahimian told AFP it had been the first study to compare the two combinations.

But he cautioned a controlled experiment will be needed to prove the huge benefits beyond doubt.

"Another logical step is always to do a possible study to see if this stands up in people that you give zinc to, and you watch and compare," he said.

Hydroxychloroquine has been proposed as cure against the SARS-CoV-2 virus since it has antiviral properties that contain been tested in lab settings, however, not in people.

It interferes with the virus' capability to enter the cells - and also appears to block them from replicating once they are already inside.

Zinc itself has antiviral properties and past research has suggested it may reduce the time people suffer from common colds.

Rahimian said that it can be that when used to take care of coronavirus patients, it is the zinc that does the heavy lifting and may be the primary substance attacking the pathogen.

Hydroxychloroquine, alternatively, acts as a realtor that transports the zinc into cells, increasing its efficacy, he suggested. - AFP
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