Separate hospital if coronavirus case rises

Separate hospital if coronavirus case rises
Another hospital will be built-in the country to regulate coronavirus outbreak if the number of patients rises from anywhere, informed the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research.

"Isolation unit has been opened at the sadar hospitals in every districts for proving treatment to coronavrus patients. But, if the amount of case rises anywhere, another hospital will be  built there," said IEDCR director Dr Meerjady Sabrina Flora at a press briefing on Thursday.

Informing that the problem in China is improving, she said the condition is spreading to other countries outside China.

"Of the countries, the problem is alarming in South Korea, Iran and Italy. We're keeping continuous connection with the Foreign Ministry and Bangladesh Emabssies of these countries," she added. 

Meerjady Sabrina informed, so far, 105 people have already been tested in the united states, but none tested positive for coronavirus.
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