Journalist Rashid Un Nabi Babu dies

Journalist Rashid Un Nabi Babu dies
Senior journalist AKM Rashid Un Nabi Babu passed away found on Wednesday night at a hospital in the administrative centre. He was 64.

Confirming the matter, his colleagues explained that the veteran journalist breathed his last at 8:25 pm for the BRB Hospitals Ltd in the administrative centre.

He said that Rashid was suffering from pancreatic cancer in the last few years.

Rashid Un Nabi Babu left out his wife, daughter and a bunch of relatives, friends and well wishers to mourn his loss of life.

During his 45-12 months journalistic career, he served many media properties, including now-defunct Dainik Bangla, Daily Ajker Kagaj, Daily Ittefaq, Daily Samakal, Daily Amar Desh, Daily Jugantor, NTV, Chanel 1, Daily Inqilab and Weekly Purnima.

Though Rashid Un Nabi Babu's last wish was that his namaj-e-janaza would be held at the Jatiya Press Golf club premises, his wife Mrs Rashid UN Nabi said it could not be feasible to carry the janaza in the prevailing coronavirus pandemic situation in the united states.

Thus, according to his last wish, his body will come to be buried at his family graveyard in Maltinagar in Bogura after namaj-e-janaza in Bhai Pagla's Mazar premises, said his wife.

Rashid Un Nabi Babu was a long term member of the Jatiya Press Club.
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