HK's first 'patriots-only' election kicks off

Fewer than 5,000 Hong Kong people from mostly pro-establishment circles began voting on Sunday (Sep 19) for candidates to an election committee, vetted as loyal to Beijing, who will pick the city's next China-backed leader and some of its legislature's. Pro-democracy candidates are nearly absent from Hong Kong's first election since Beijing overhauled the city's electoral system to ensure that "only patriots" rule China's freest city. "
The whole objective of improving the electoral system is to ensure patriots administer Hong Kong," Carrie Lam, Hong Kong's chief executive, said on Sunday morning. "I doubt very much that another government or country will allow the public election. to their local legislature of people whose mission is to undermine the national interest or national security."
The election committee will select 40 seats in the revamped Legislative Council in December, and choose a chief executive in March.Police have ramped up security across the city, with local media reporting 6,000 officers are expected to be deployed to ensure a smooth vote, in which about 4,900 people are expected to cast ballots.
Changes to the political system are the latest in a string of moves - including a national security law that punishes anything Beijing deems as subversion, secession, terrorism or collusion with foreign forces - that have placed the international financial hub on an authoritarian path.Most prominent democratic activists and politicians are now in jail or have fled abroad.
China's rubber-stamp parliament in May changed Hong Kong's electoral system, reducing democratic representation in institutions and introducing the vetting mechanism for election candidates and winners. This all but removed any influence the opposition was able to exert.The changes also dramatically reduced the influence of the city's powerful tycoons, although groups close to their business interests retain a presence in the 1,500-strong committee that selects Hong Kong's chief executive.