11 Crazy Things That Only iPhone Owners Have To Go Through In This Unfair & Cruel World

11 Crazy Things That Only iPhone Owners Have To Go Through In This Unfair & Cruel World
You'd think buying an iPhone would be the best thing in your life. But whether you're or an iPhone user or not, life is just plain unfair.

Owning an iPhone brings its own set of unique troubles that Android users don't even know exist -- so thank your lucky stars, you iPhone hater!

Here are some crazy things that only iPhone owners have to go through, all for the love of their obsession.

1) Standing in a queue outside Apple stores for several hours or days to buy an iPhone
Tenting outside an Apple store for the iPhone 6S

Never in the history of consumer electronics has any device captured the imagination of the entire world as the iPhone -- just before it goes on sale. It forces loyal fans to go to crazy lengths to be the first ones to get their hands on a new iPhone. Like a pitching a tent outside your local Apple store for days on end.

2) Be the first one to buy an iPhone, then promptly drop it on the floor
The guy who dropped his brand new iPhone 6

Nothing sums up the tough luck of an iPhone fan than what happened with this guy right here. He camped outside an Apple store for days to be the first one to buy the iPhone 6 in the world -- in Australia. After getting that accolade, as he exited the store, elated and smiling from ear to ear, a TV anchor asked him to open the box and show the world his iPhone. While doing so, our man smashed the iPhone on the floor. Ouch!

3) Multiple connectivity cables hell
Apple cables for iPhone

Every iPhone owner / user knows the feeling when they say this image. Apple's guilty of changing its iPhone charging cable too many times. And for what? Just not fair.

4) Cables just tear apart, every single one
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